Has anybody noticed how the aim of the show is not only to expose the scene, but instill a sense of guilt in the male audience for wanting to chase/fuck girls.I think thats why now I feel weird listening to his show because its such a weird message.
Obviously the whole scene is a big circus and funny to laugh at and getting laid shouldn't be your whole life but its still an important part.
Barry is so whipped by Jen he believes his listeners should stay indoors and listen to on demand because trying to pick up chick is "lame" and "desperate".
Suddenly if you have more than three friends and wana get poon at the weekends you're "fake" and "superficial".
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Yeah true, except when he does a 180 and then advertises for PUA materials.
Barry is like a woman, he has no idea what he believes in.
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Hell yes dude.......I couldn't make that shit up......because I could never imagine someone actually saying that shit to someone else........
When barry and I had our last phone conversation........where he was trying to convince me to take down his girlfriend's pictures from this forum..........he said that shit to me.........I couldn't help but burst out laughing on the phone.......
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HAHAHAHAHA too funny
Nobody listens to it, nitwit
Barry has the intellect of a 12 year old. He's going to be a mall cop like Seth Rogen in "Observe and Report". Mr. Right is going to be his partner.
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BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holy shit how I wished I was part of that conversation.
Barry is 14 years older then me and I'm a better fuckin bussinesman than him!
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"I'm two years older than you Usain, so I would think I can run faster than you."